tips for training your large breed dog

tips for training your large breed dog

What To Expect From An Obedience Board And Train Program

by Aiden Hill

As a dog owner, you may want to consider a board and train program to help improve your dog's obedience skills. Through this program, your dog will be trained by professional trainers around the clock, away from home. But what exactly is a board and train program? What can you expect from it? In this blog post, we will walk you through the various aspects of a board and train program, including the benefits and how it works.

Benefits of a Board and Train Program

When it comes to obedience training, consistent and persistent training is key. However, this can be challenging and time-consuming. A board and train program takes care of this issue by providing your dog with round-the-clock training by experts in the field. This type of training ensures that your dog can learn and respond to the desired behaviors quickly. Additionally, with consistent training, your dog will be on the path to long-term behavior modification.

How the Program Works

A board and train program typically lasts a couple of weeks to a month and is done in a controlled environment away from home. This controlled environment has various distractions, which provides a real-world experience. During the boarding program, your dog will receive basic training that consists of obedience commands, such as 'sit,' 'down,' and 'stay.' More advanced techniques, such as walking on a leash and polite greetings, are also taught. All training is customized to suit your dog's needs. The goal is to prevent unwanted behaviors and condition desirable ones through positive training.

Daily Routine

While at the boarding facility, your dog will have a structured schedule that consists of consistent meal and exercise times. Your dog's training is done every day in the morning and afternoon, with proper rest time in between. Additionally, your dog is placed in various social interactions and environments, such as in the presence of other dogs, walking on different surfaces, and experiencing different sounds.

Continued Support

After the completion of your dog's training, it's time to reintroduce your furry friend back home. While this is a significant change for your dog, you can expect your entire family to be given a detailed training handover. The training facility will provide continuing support, including additional in-home training or obedience refresher classes.

A board and train program is an excellent option for dogs who require behavior modification or need to improve their obedience skills. Contact a professional to learn more about obedience training options. 


About Me

tips for training your large breed dog

My husband insists on having large dogs in the house. When he brought the first dog home as a puppy, I was excited and thought that it could be a good thing. As time went by, that little puppy turned into a big, disobedient dog that destroyed the house when we weren't home with him. It got to the point in which I threatened to move out of the house unless my husband did something to get his dog under control. He took the dog to training classes and learned how to train the dog to behave. Since then, we have added two more large dogs to the family that are well-behaved companions. This blog will show you some tips for training your large breed dog to behave properly.
