tips for training your large breed dog

tips for training your large breed dog

Tips For Choosing The Right Medical Alert Service Dog Training Serivces

by Aiden Hill

If you suffer from a medical condition such as epilepsy, diabetes, or PTSD, you may find help with a medical alert dog. These dogs are different than guide dogs for the blind or hearing dogs for the deaf in that they are trained to sense a change in a scent before you experience a medical emergency. Diabetes alert dogs will warn their handlers of low or high blood sugar before it gets to the dangerous point, epilepsy alert dogs will warn of an oncoming seizure so the handler can get to a safe place, and PTSD alert dogs will alert the handler to an increase in stress or fear and then try to relax them.

These animals require training to be able to perform their jobs with accuracy. Since there are no requirements or certifications required to offer medical alert service dog training services, it is important that you vet out the different companies and choose one that will train your dog best for you. Here are a few tips for choosing the trainer that will suit your needs.

Your Needs

Not every dog will work for every person. In fact, the team of dog and handler is very unique. The trainer for your dog should understand this and get to know about you, your medical condition, your lifestyle, where you live and work, and who you live with. It would be silly for them to place a dog with you that will not fit in with these things, claiming that all alert dogs can do their job regardless of the person. You would not want a large dog if you live in a small house or apartment.

The Training

It is important that at some point in the training you are brought in to work with the dog yourself. This should be more than a one-day training session; it should take place over several days to give you and the dog a chance to get to know each other and bond. Do not just accept any dog they give you. If you do not feel comfortable with the animal, or things don't seem quite right, let the trainer know so they can find another one for you. Do not allow them to tell you that the bond will grow with time. While you will bond more and become closer as the two of you spend time together, you should feel comfortable and good after a day or so during training.

Keep in mind that you can go to a trainer and have them find a dog for you or take your own dog to them to train. However, be aware that not all dogs will be able to pass the training. This does not mean your dog is a bad dog or dumb; it just means they are not that type of animal. Not every person is the type to be a nurse, so why should every dog be the type to deal with medical issues?

For more information, contact your local medical alert service dog training services.


About Me

tips for training your large breed dog

My husband insists on having large dogs in the house. When he brought the first dog home as a puppy, I was excited and thought that it could be a good thing. As time went by, that little puppy turned into a big, disobedient dog that destroyed the house when we weren't home with him. It got to the point in which I threatened to move out of the house unless my husband did something to get his dog under control. He took the dog to training classes and learned how to train the dog to behave. Since then, we have added two more large dogs to the family that are well-behaved companions. This blog will show you some tips for training your large breed dog to behave properly.
