tips for training your large breed dog

tips for training your large breed dog

Why You Should Train Your New Puppy: Some Commands To Learn

by Aiden Hill

When you bring a new puppy home, everyone in the family should be in agreement on acceptable behaviors, so it is easier to train your new pet. Fortunately, puppies are easy to train as long as you are consistent in the messages you send. Housebreaking your puppy is an important type of training that you'll want to start right away. You should also consider puppy training with a professional, so your pet learns important behaviors that make living with a dog much more enjoyable for everyone. Here's why training is important and some things your new puppy should learn.

Why Puppy Training Is Important 

A disobedient dog or a dog with a behavioral problem can be difficult to live with. Dogs can develop bad habits if you let them. Things like jumping up on guests, begging at the table, and chewing on furniture can be annoying. Training helps your dog understand what is not acceptable behavior, and it can break bad habits once they've begun.

Training is also important for your dog's safety. Dogs that obey commands are easier to control when you're at a dog park or out walking. Commands could keep your dog from being run over or prevent your pet from running away if you drop the leash.

Some Important Commands Your Dog Should Learn

Your dog doesn't have to learn how to do tricks or anything elaborate. Basic commands are all that's needed to keep your pet safe. Your puppy should learn how to sit, stop, and heel. Learning to walk on a leash is important, or your puppy may strain and pull against the leash as it grows and become a nuisance to walk. Your puppy should also learn how to stay, wait, come, and settle down.

It doesn't take long for your dog to understand what you're saying; however, it takes good training to get your dog to respond the way you want. You'll usually have better results by taking your dog to pet training classes or bringing a trainer to your home, so you get off to a good start while your pet is young. Then your puppy can grow up responding properly to commands to go to bed, stop chewing, and coming when called.

Besides commands, your puppy can be taught desirable behaviors too such as being comfortable in a crate, staying home alone without anxiety, being calm around guests, and being gentle with kids. A well-trained puppy soon grows into a bigger dog that is much more enjoyable to take for walks and live with in your home. Training a puppy isn't always easy, especially if you've never done it before, so getting professional help is a good way to ensure your puppy gets the training needed to stay safe and avoid bad habits.


About Me

tips for training your large breed dog

My husband insists on having large dogs in the house. When he brought the first dog home as a puppy, I was excited and thought that it could be a good thing. As time went by, that little puppy turned into a big, disobedient dog that destroyed the house when we weren't home with him. It got to the point in which I threatened to move out of the house unless my husband did something to get his dog under control. He took the dog to training classes and learned how to train the dog to behave. Since then, we have added two more large dogs to the family that are well-behaved companions. This blog will show you some tips for training your large breed dog to behave properly.
